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Meet the client – Theology HD

Mar 1, 2022

Full name: Theology Mathebula

1. What’s your stage name? TheologyHD

2. What inspired this name? The Love I got from my community and the love i got from my mother is what inspired the growth of my name

3. What’s your background? It’s a great background

4. How has your background shaped your musical craft? It brought creativity into my music sense, it has also given me that drive and passion to continue working.

5. What does your music aim to say to the world? It aims at healing broken souls, it also aims at teaching and dishing out life lessons.

6. How does your music comment on current social, economical, or political affairs, if they do? It comments positivity, it breathes encouragement, it motivates pushing beyond your limits.

7. Who are your biggest influences? My Parents

8. What is your creative process? How do you start creating a beat? / How do you start writing lyrics to a beat? It depends on the mood am in, also situations am facing. However, as soon as I drop the shakers everything comes flowing.

9. How have you developed your career? Did you do any courses for your career field? Yes, I enrolled at Soul Candy Institute.

10. What advice can you give to aspiring composers/producers? Strive at improving, do you, and don’t try to be anyone else, have faith and hope that everything you do will one day will pay off.

11. Which other composers or artists have you worked with? Moonchild, Aymos, Josiah De Disciple, Nia Pearl, Vusi Nova, MuziQALsthesh

12. What has been the highlight of your career? The Made In 72 Hours Challenge by RedBull releasing the Piano Song “Isegazini” with MoonChild and Aymos.

13. Who do you aspire to work with? Adele

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