1. How long have you been composing?
I began doing music in 1997 when I joined the choir at P.A.O.Z. Upperoom Ministries where I used to fellowship then. I composed a song or two back then which I unfortunately did not manage to record. My first compositions were recorded in 2011 when we recorded our first album. We have recorded an album every year after this.
2. What is your creative process? How do you start creating a beat? / How do you start writing lyrics to a beat?
Most of the songs that I write are inspired by God. I have dreamt songs, I have written songs from messages when pastors are preaching and I have written songs from general lessons learnt in life. When the songs come they usually are accompanied by a beat. I work with a very strong team of musicians in our group called D28. What I do is I give them the song and the way I feel the music has to go (beat) and they create the music. We have changed the flow of the songs many times as we rehearse more and more but the original beat remains. It’s all about creativity which the team does well. Sometimes though the guys come up with a nice beat and then we put together some lyrics to the beat and we have a song. It does not always work the same way though because each album has its own unique way of creation
3. What made you chose a career in this field?
I now believe I was born to be a musician. Not only a musician but a worshipper. I have a responsibility to rebuild the altar of worship in our nation and beyond. So I guess I am just fulfilling my calling on earth as required of me. I however love music and good music to be precise. This makes the work easier and makes me able to soldier on even when things get tough and difficult. It’s not easy but when you know what you want to do and know who sent you to do it, and then you can withstand any pressures that come your way. So it’s not only a choice but also a mission that has to be accomplished.
4. Did you do any courses for your career field?
I have not done any course in this field before and now. I however intend to enhance the God given knowledge that I have in future, to improve myself and also the quality of music that we produce.
5. What advice can you give to aspiring composers?
It’s not always that the way things happen to someone is else is the same way it may happen to you. Things are different just as people are different. So you have your own way of doing things and you need to respect that and do things your way. Do not try to be someone else. God has blessed us in different ways so find your own unique way of doing things and run with it. It’s however not an easy road. You are faced with many challenges but soldier on and don’t give up on your dream. Also do not be limited by your background. As much as they say your past shapes your future, with God He makes your future despite what your past or background looks like. You can make it if you push and are determined to fulfil your dream.
6. What other composer’s or artists have you worked with?
So far I have not worked with any artist or composers besides the team I work with called D28.
7. What has been the highlight of your career?
The recording of our 4th Album is an achievement that I would call a highlight so far. It has been very busy and difficult to go to the studio but under such conditions we managed to record our album. We have not covered much ground in the media but our previous album entitled “Faithful” received a fair amount of airplay and that is good considering where we were coming from.