February, also known as the month of love, saw award-winning songstress Yashna International and award-winning producer Neo Ndawo, release the 4th installment of their “Chemistry” release series, now an annual tradition. Rooted in the essence of nostalgic...
The most anticipated project from Durban’s trailblazer Yashna International is fast approaching. The songstress is set to release her fourth EP titled ‘Flaws & Fears’ in October 2021. This body of work consists of six stupendous songs fueled with...
Yashna International is back yet again and this time with fresh visuals. The singer/songwriter is no longer a stranger to the piano world, and is about to release her 3rd music video for 2021 titled Duma. Duma is the 5th and final single found on her most recent...