We caught up with Phillip Miller to dive deep into his musical journey amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and uncover his latest creative endeavors. Renowned South African composer and sound artist, Phillip Miller, offered us a glimpse into his musical journey amid the...
Fresh in the hot seat at Sheer Publishing, a subsidiary of Downtown Music Services (DMH), the newly appointed Managing Director, Thando Makhunga, is already stirring the pot. Eager to use her new position to not only grow the global demand for African music but to...
Fresh in the hot seat at Sheer Publishing, a subsidiary of Downtown Music Services (DMH), newly appointed managing director, Thando Makhunga, is already stirring the pot. Eager to use her new position to not only grow the global demand for African music but to improve...
Downtown Music Holdings announced today that it has acquired South Africa-based Sheer Music Publishing, the largest independent music publisher in Africa. Building on a long-standing relationship between Sheer and Downtown’s eponymous music publishing division, this...
hitsdailydouble.com Sheer Publishing, a division of Downtown Music Services and the largest independent pubco in Africa, has inked a global deal with the estate of the late Johnny Clegg to administer his catalogue. Spanning more than four decades, the South African...